


Master Craps Tips Beginner at Phdream Casino

Craps Live Casino Game is a popular dice game. Discover how to win at Craps and Craps Tips Beginner here. Explore our review and get the promotion.

Craps is a fantastic game known for its low house edge, making it an ideal choice for beginners. However, it’s crucial to understand the game‘s nuances before diving in.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with invaluable tips and insights to help you make the most of your craps experience.

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The Basics of Craps Tips Beginner

Before diving into our expert tips, let’s ensure you have a clear understanding of the game. Craps is a game that offers both excellent and not-so-great bets.

When playing craps, you have the option to choose between two main types of bets: the great game or the not-so-great game. Many players prefer to combine elements of both.

Now, let’s move on to the essential rules and strategies to help you make the most of your craps experience.

1. Set a Loss Limit

To begin, it’s crucial to establish a loss limit before you start playing. Regardless of the size of your budget, setting a loss limit is essential. For instance, if you decide to spend $200 in a casino, stick to this budget. Once you reach your predetermined limit, walk away and resist the urge to continue playing.

2. Divide Your Balance

Dividing your balance into manageable parts can help you keep a clear view of your funds and avoid the risk of exhausting your resources prematurely.

3. Quit While You’re Ahead

Whenever you enjoy a substantial win, consider quitting the game. Continuing to play increases the odds of losing your winnings, as the casino typically holds an advantage in the long run. Playing with your winnings is often a more sensible approach.

4. Avoid Chasing Losses

One common mistake among gamblers is chasing their losses. Remember that the house edge is not in your favor, and if you’ve already experienced losses, trying to recover them often leads to further losses. Stick to your plan, even if you’ve reached your loss limit.

5. Bet Against the Dice

When placing bets in craps, consider Pass Line bets, which are placed with the dice, offering a 1.41% house edge. In contrast, Don’t Pass bets, placed against the dice, have a 1.36% house edge. Although the difference seems small, it can significantly impact your long-term results.

6. Always Take the Odds Bet

Opt for the Odds bet whenever possible, as it carries zero house edge, giving you a rare advantage over the casino. Seize this opportunity whenever it arises.

7. Avoid Proposition Bets

Proposition bets add excitement to the game but come with a house edge of 13.98%. As a novice, it’s best to steer clear of these bets and focus on more favorable options.

8. Stay Away from Big 6 and Big 8 Bets

Compared to place bets on 6 and 8, Big 6 and Big 8 bets offer less favorable payouts. It’s advisable to avoid these bets and focus on more profitable strategies.

Now that we’ve covered essential craps tips, let’s delve into some tips specific to playing in a land-based casino.

9. Learn the Table

Before joining a craps game, observe different players’ techniques for throwing the dice. Some players may exhibit better control than others. Additionally, identify the most successful shooter at the table, and consider joining their game for a chance to ride their luck.

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Craps Tips Beginner: Maximizing Your Experience

10. Find a Professional Player

As a newcomer to craps, take advantage of the experience of more seasoned players. Look for players with substantial chip stacks as a sign of their expertise. You can learn from their strategies and use their experience to your benefit.

11. Be Wary of Dealer Suggestions

Remember that casino dealers work for the house, and their goal is to generate revenue for the casino. Be cautious of their suggestions, as they may not always be in your best interest.

12. Tip the Dealers

Tipping the dealers can lead to better service and a more positive experience. Some players even place bets on behalf of dealers to show their appreciation.

13. Avoid Mentioning the Number Seven

Superstition plays a role in craps, and mentioning the number seven is considered bad luck. If you need to refer to the number, use alternative terms like “it” or “devil.”

14. Remove Your Winnings

After winning, promptly remove your winnings from the table. Leaving them on the table increases the risk of re-wagering them, potentially resulting in losses.

15. Manage Your Bankroll

Effectively managing your bankroll is crucial. Even as a beginner, discipline is key. Allocate only a small percentage of your bankroll to each play, typically between 5% and 10%. Gambling is a long-term game, and responsible bankroll management is vital.

16. Be Cautious with Prop Bets

Advanced betting combinations, known as prop bets, can yield substantial payouts but come with higher risk. It’s best to avoid these bets until you have a solid understanding of the game.

17. Practice Online

If you’re new to craps, consider practicing online to familiarize yourself with the game. Many online platforms offer free play options, allowing you to learn without risking your money. Once you gain confidence, you can transition to low-limit, real-money games and eventually take your skills to a land-based casino.


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Best Online Casino for Craps

Top Casino to play craps is Phdream Casino. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the ropes or an experienced player seeking an exciting gaming experience, Phdream Casino provides the perfect setting to roll the dice and try your luck.

Join in the Craps action at Phdream Casino and experience the thrill of this classic casino game in a reputable and enjoyable online gaming platform.


In conclusion, mastering craps requires a combination of strategy, discipline, and practice. By following these tips and guidelines, you can enhance your craps skills and increase your chances of success.

Remember to play responsibly, manage your bankroll effectively, and consider practicing online before venturing to a land-based casino. With dedication and a bit of luck, you can become a skilled craps player and enjoy the thrill of the game.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Craps is a casino game known for its low house edge, making it ideal for beginners. It offers a mix of bets, some favorable and others not-so-great, allowing players to choose according to their preferences.

Setting a loss limit is crucial. Decide on a budget before you start playing, and stick to it. Additionally, dividing your balance into manageable parts helps you keep track of your funds and avoid depleting your resources prematurely.

It’s wise to quit while you’re ahead, especially after a substantial win. Continuing to play increases the risk of losing your winnings due to the house edge. Playing with your winnings is generally a more sensible approach.

Chasing losses is a common mistake among gamblers. The house edge is not in your favor, so trying to recover losses often leads to more losses. Stick to your plan and loss limit.

When placing bets in Craps, consider Pass Line bets (with the dice) and Don’t Pass bets (against the dice), as they offer lower house edges. These bets can significantly impact your long-term results.

The Odds bet has a zero house edge, giving you an advantage over the casino. Whenever possible, opt for this bet to improve your chances of success.

Proposition bets add excitement but come with a high house edge of 13.98%. As a novice, it’s best to avoid these bets and focus on more favorable options.

Compared to place bets on 6 and 8, Big 6 and Big 8 bets offer less favorable payouts. It’s advisable to avoid these bets and focus on more profitable strategies.

Before joining a game, observe other players’ techniques for throwing the dice. Identify the most successful shooter at the table and consider joining their game to increase your chances of success.

Look for players with substantial chip stacks, indicating their expertise. Learning from their strategies and using their experience can help you improve your Craps skills.

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Written By:

Manuel Rojas

Blog Manager at Phdream

Manuel Rojas is an accomplished writer with a passion for exploring the intricate world of casinos and gambling. With a background in journalism and a deep fascination for the psychology behind gaming, Rojas has dedicated his career to unraveling the mysteries of the casino industry.

Rojas is known for his ability to bring complex casino concepts to life through his engaging and informative writing. His work delves into various aspects of the casino experience, from the history of iconic establishments to the strategies employed by seasoned gamblers. Whether you’re a novice looking to learn the ropes or a seasoned player seeking to improve your skills, Rojas’s articles offer valuable insights and expert guidance.

The content provided on the Phdream Casino website is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Our articles, guides, and reviews are meant to offer insights into the world of gambling and casinos, but they do not constitute legal, financial, or professional advice.

While we strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented, the casino industry is subject to constant change, and we cannot guarantee the timeliness or completeness of the content. Visitors are encouraged to conduct their own research and seek professional advice when necessary.